Contents of this page:
Looking for something specific? Try using this search bar:
Legal Help
LGBTQ+ Terminology
LGBTQ+ History
YouTube Channels
Specific Questions
For High School Students
For Future College Students
For Current College Students
Body Positivity
Global Issues
Bi Visibility
YouthLine (peer support for young LGBTQ+ people - has options to call, text, or chat online)
Trans Lifeline (a hotline run by trans people specifically for trans people - call (877) 565-8860 if you're in the US!)
The Trevor Project (has options to call, text, or chat online)
GLCCB Hotlines List (list of national hotline phone numbers for everything from AIDS help to child abuse to rape/incest to emergency contraception)
GLBT Youth Hotline (peer support for LGBTQ+ youth - offers options to email or talk on the phone)
DeHQ (support for South Asian LGBTQ+ folks)
ImAlive (suicide help hotline)
7 Cups of Tea (free, anonymous, and confidential online text chat with trained listeners, counselors, and therapists - not LGBTQ-specific!)
Trans Housing Network (can help connect you with temporary housing if you're trans and need a safe place to stay)
Ali Forney Center - Resources By State (information about LGBTQ-friendly homeless youth centers in each U.S. state)
HUD Resource Locator (helps you find homeless resources and affordable housing based on your location)
Lambda Legal - What You Should Know if You're Living in Foster Care, a Group Home, or a Juvenile Justice Facility (for LGBTQ+ young people)
National Runaway Safeline (not LGBTQ-specific, but it is a resource for young runaways and homeless youth)
Safe Place Teens (also not LGBTQ-specific but you can use their Safe4Text program to help you find resources)
Legal Help
Transgender Law Center (fill out their form to get help)
Streetwise & Safe youth resources page (videos, handouts, and information about young LGBTQ+ people's rights)
FIERCE!'s Know Your Rights handout (information about what to do if you're stopped by the police, arrested, or someone you know if arrested - specifically focusing on LGBTQ+ rights)
Lambda Legal's Know Your Rights page for LGBTQ+ youth (tons of information about your rights in terms of speech, prom, bullying, safe schools, being a trans student, living in foster care, etc.)
ACLU: What to do if you face harassment at school as an LGBTQ+ high school student
ACLU's guide to knowing your rights as a trans or GNC student
What to do if certain sites are blocked on school computers (if you can't access this page at school, go to it when you're on a different computer and follow the instructions!)
National Center for Transgender Equality - know your rights at school
Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) (an organization that provides legal help for LGBTQ+ individuals
Lambda Legal's Know Your Rights youth section (news about LGBTQ+ youth legal victories)
Looking for something specific? Try using this search bar:
Legal Help
LGBTQ+ Terminology
LGBTQ+ History
YouTube Channels
Specific Questions
For High School Students
For Future College Students
For Current College Students
Body Positivity
Global Issues
Bi Visibility
YouthLine (peer support for young LGBTQ+ people - has options to call, text, or chat online)
Trans Lifeline (a hotline run by trans people specifically for trans people - call (877) 565-8860 if you're in the US!)
The Trevor Project (has options to call, text, or chat online)
GLCCB Hotlines List (list of national hotline phone numbers for everything from AIDS help to child abuse to rape/incest to emergency contraception)
GLBT Youth Hotline (peer support for LGBTQ+ youth - offers options to email or talk on the phone)
DeHQ (support for South Asian LGBTQ+ folks)
ImAlive (suicide help hotline)
7 Cups of Tea (free, anonymous, and confidential online text chat with trained listeners, counselors, and therapists - not LGBTQ-specific!)
Trans Housing Network (can help connect you with temporary housing if you're trans and need a safe place to stay)
Ali Forney Center - Resources By State (information about LGBTQ-friendly homeless youth centers in each U.S. state)
HUD Resource Locator (helps you find homeless resources and affordable housing based on your location)
Lambda Legal - What You Should Know if You're Living in Foster Care, a Group Home, or a Juvenile Justice Facility (for LGBTQ+ young people)
National Runaway Safeline (not LGBTQ-specific, but it is a resource for young runaways and homeless youth)
Safe Place Teens (also not LGBTQ-specific but you can use their Safe4Text program to help you find resources)
Legal Help
Transgender Law Center (fill out their form to get help)
Streetwise & Safe youth resources page (videos, handouts, and information about young LGBTQ+ people's rights)
FIERCE!'s Know Your Rights handout (information about what to do if you're stopped by the police, arrested, or someone you know if arrested - specifically focusing on LGBTQ+ rights)
Lambda Legal's Know Your Rights page for LGBTQ+ youth (tons of information about your rights in terms of speech, prom, bullying, safe schools, being a trans student, living in foster care, etc.)
ACLU: What to do if you face harassment at school as an LGBTQ+ high school student
ACLU's guide to knowing your rights as a trans or GNC student
What to do if certain sites are blocked on school computers (if you can't access this page at school, go to it when you're on a different computer and follow the instructions!)
National Center for Transgender Equality - know your rights at school
Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) (an organization that provides legal help for LGBTQ+ individuals
Lambda Legal's Know Your Rights youth section (news about LGBTQ+ youth legal victories)
Looking for information? You're in the right place!
This page is full of websites, blogs, videos, articles, masterposts, communities, and organizations that will (hopefully) make life easier for you as an LGBTQ+ young person. All the information is free and found all around the internet - we simply tried to bring it all to one place. That being said, please keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list!
Quick disclaimer: This project isn't affiliated with any of these organizations or sites, so we aren't specifically endorsing any of them. We also want to make sure you stay safe when using these resources - be warned that some of the sites may contain nudity, language, and sexual content. There are warnings next to the descriptions of most of these sites, but it's good to be careful anyway!
Also keep in mind that visiting these sites will show up in your browser history, so if you're worried about your parents/guardians/teachers (or anyone else) seeing that you've been to these sites, be sure to clear your browser history before leaving! It also might be a good idea to browse in an incognito window (if you're using Chrome), Private Browsing (for Safari and Firefox users), or InPrivate browsing (for Internet Explorer).
Finally, if you have any questions at all, or if you need help but can't find the right resource, feel free to contact us!
Contents of this page:
Looking for something specific? Try using this search bar:
Legal Help
Body Positivity
Global Issues
Bi Visibility
LGBTQ+ Terminology
LGBTQ+ History
YouTube Channels
Specific Questions
For High School Students
For Future College Students
For Current College Students
Online Communities
Search for Local Communities (U.S.)
International Communities
General Resources
Health + Medical
Community Support
Community Support Specifically for GNC Folks
Passing/Masculinizing/Feminizing/Expressing in Non Gender-Specific Ways
Ace Visibility
Social Communities
YouthLine (peer support for young LGBTQ+ people - has options to call, text, or chat online)
Trans Lifeline (a hotline run by trans people specifically for trans people - call (877) 565-8860 if you're in the US!)
The Trevor Project (has options to call, text, or chat online)
GLBT Youth Hotline (peer support for LGBTQ+ youth - offers options to email or talk on the phone)
DeHQ (support for South Asian LGBTQ+ folks)
ImAlive (suicide help hotline)
7 Cups of Tea (free, anonymous, and confidential online text chat with trained listeners, counselors, and therapists - not LGBTQ-specific!)
Trans Housing Network (can help connect you with temporary housing if you're trans and need a safe place to stay)
Ali Forney Center - Resources By State (information about LGBTQ-friendly homeless youth centers in each U.S. state)
HUD Resource Locator (helps you find homeless resources and affordable housing based on your location)
Lambda Legal - What You Should Know if You're Living in Foster Care, a Group Home, or a Juvenile Justice Facility (for LGBTQ+ young people)
National Runaway Safeline (not LGBTQ-specific, but it is a resource for young runaways and youth experiencing homelessness)
Safe Place Teens (also not LGBTQ-specific but you can use their Safe4Text program to help you find resources)
Legal Help
Transgender Law Center (fill out their form to get help)
FIERCE!'s Know Your Rights handout (information about what to do if you're stopped by the police, arrested, or someone you know if arrested - specifically focusing on LGBTQ+ rights)
Lambda Legal's Know Your Rights page for LGBTQ+ Teens and Young People (tons of information about your rights in terms of speech, prom, bullying, safe schools, being a trans student, living in foster care, etc.)
ACLU: What to do if you face harassment at school as an LGBTQ+ high school student
ACLU's guide to knowing your rights as a trans or GNC student
What to do if certain sites are blocked on school computers (if you can't access this page at school, go to it when you're on a different computer and follow the instructions!)
National Center for Transgender Equality - know your rights at school
Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) (an organization that provides legal help for LGBTQ+ individuals
Lambda Legal's Know Your Rights youth section (news about LGBTQ+ youth legal victories)
The Basics
LGBTQ+ Terminology
Queer 101: LGBT Terminology (a general guide to using LGBTQ+ language)
The Trevor Project Glossary - (a list of common LGBTQ+ terms with definitions and basic resources)
Gender Pronouns (a how-to guide for using gender-neutral pronouns and FAQs)
F Yeah LGBT - List of Terms (language warning!)
Lambda Legal's LGBTQ Glossary (basic LGBTQ+ terminology and legal terms)
The ABCs of LGBTQ (video series by Ash Hardell)
LGBTQ+ History
- (entire site dedicated to LGBTQ history)
People With a History (lots of links about LGBTQ+ history, museums, video collections, etc.)
The Transadvocate: "So What Was Stonewall?" (article about one of the most important events in LGBTQ+ history)
The Queerest Places (a blog about historic LGBTQ+ sites)
20 Facts Everyone Should Know About Gay Pride and LGBT History
GLSEN's LGBTQ History section (a page with info, podcasts, websites, and other resources related to LGBTQ history - FYI some of the stuff requires you to buy it)
Coming Out
The Trevor Project's Coming Out Handbook (Downloadable file with information about basic terminology, tips for planning to come out, and advice for maintaining helathy relationships/self-care when coming out)
The Trevor Project's Coming Out Constellation (PDF - very simple handout that helps you organize your thoughts if you're considering coming out)
The Human Rights Campaign's Coming Out page (stories, resources, and blog posts about coming out)
"I Think I Might Be Gay" (pamphlet written by a person coming out as gay)
"I Think I Might Be Lesbian" (pamphlet written by a person coming out as lesbian)
"I Think I Might Be Asexual" (pamphlet written by a person coming out as ace)
"I Think I Might Be Bisexual/Pansexual" (pamphlet written by a person coming out as bi or pan)
"I Think I Might Be Transgender" (pamphlet written by a person coming out as trans)
Why Coming Out Isn't For Everyone (just in case you don't want to come out - know that that's okay!)
DeafQueer: Coming Out Support (resources specifically for LGBTQ+ deaf and hard of hearing folks who are thinking of coming out)
ReachOut (fact sheets about basic LGBTQ+ questions and answers written by and for young people)
Sex Ed
Scarleteen (inclusive, comprehensive, and smart sexuality information for teens and 20-somethings)
Queer Tips (a blog run by experts full of info about LGBTQ+ sex ed; use the search bar to find what you need!)
Sex, etc. (a sex ed resource made by and for teens - this page is LGBTQ+-specific but there's tons of other info on the site too)
Teen Health Source (a list of basic information sources for different types of sex, including consent, safe sex 101, dental dams, kissing, masturbating, and a ton of other stuff)
It's Your (Sex) Life (MTVs' blog about sex ed - links to the LGBTQ section, but feel free to navigate around the whole thing)
YouTube Channels
TIP: If you can't buy these books, check your local library (or the library at your school)!
S.E.X.: The All-You-Need-To-Know Progressive Sexuality Guide to Get You Through High School and College by Heather Corinna
Not Your Mother's Meatloaf: A Sex Education Comic Book by Saiya Miller
Girl Sex 101 by Allison Miller
Specific Questions
Consent & Communication:
The Body:
"Female" ejaculation (this piece contains cissexism because it assumes all/only females have vulvas and vaginas, but the information is useful for people of all genders with a vulva/vagina)
Safe Sex: Physical Protection & STIs (or STDs)
All about STIs (aka STDs)
Info about many different barriers ("male" and "female" condoms, dental dams, gloves, & tips)
Masturbation & Sex Toys:
Physical & Mental Health
Find LGBTQ-welcoming healthcare providers in the U.S. (primary care providers, specialists, therapists, dentists + more)
Association of LGBTQ Psychiatrists: Online Referral System (find LGBTQ psychiatrists around the U.S.)
Bisexuality-Aware Professionals Directory (includes listings of medical professionals, therapists, sex educators, nutritionists, and more - all of them are aware of bisexuality)
Resources for LGBTQ Youth by State (contains a list of organizations, and some of them specialize in mental health needs for LGBTQ youth)
LGBTQ+ and Substance Abuse: Causes, Challenges, and Resources from
7 Cups of Tea (free, anonymous, and confidential online text chat with trained listeners, counselors, and therapists - not LGBTQ-specific!)
Transgender Teen Survival Guide: Good Vibes (section of a Tumblr blog that contains happy thoughts from trans teens)
Tips for dealing with dysphoria (tips for people experiencing gender dysphoria)
Giant Guide to Ace Self-Love (advice for asexuals)
5 Ways to Stand Up to Toxic Messages and Accept Yourself as a Bisexual Person (everydayfeminism)
For High School Students
School dances:
Your legal right to form a GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance)
Trans Student Educational Resources (an organization led by and for trans youth dedicated to making schools more inclusive for trans and GNC students)
For Current College Students
For Prospective College Students
Campus Pride Index (search their database to find LGBTQ-friendly college campuses in the U.S.)
Trans & GNC policies at U.S. colleges (search the database)
How to Obtain a FAFSA Dependency Override for LGBTQ+ College Students (aka what to do if your parents are not supporting you through college because you are LGBTQ+)
Tips for applying to/selecting a college as a trans non-binary person (public Google Doc)
LGBTQ+ Scholarships:
LGBT Student Scholarship Database (Human Rights Campaign)
Point Foundation (an organization that specifically provides scholarships to LGBTQ+ prospective college students)
Campus Pride's "Purple Backpack" Student Leader Resource Guide (free mini-guide for campus and community organizing as an LGBTQ student)
Studying abroad as an LGBT student (resource list)
Thriving as an LGBTQ Student of Color at Your Chosen College or University
5 Tips for LGBTQ students on religiously-affiliated campuses
LGBTQ+ Media
Masterposts (many media)
Tumblr masterpost: List of queer things that are safe to watch/read (no one dies and/or they have a happy/ambiguous ending)
Tumblr masterpost: LGBTQ Media Recs (includes categories featuring lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and intersex characters and lists of movies, TV series, books, and comics for each one)
Queer Book Club (a blog dedicated to LGBTQ book recommendations and literary news)
Tumblr masterpost: Fizzle Reads' list of LGBTQ+ books (includes stories featuring M/M and F/F couples, bisexuals, and more)
Accepting Me by Jo Ramesy (YA novel feat. an asexual protag)
Comics, Webseries, and other Media
Sins Invalid (a performance art project on disability and sexuality)
Social Communities
Online Communities
TrevorSpace (social networking site for LGBTQ+ people between the ages of 13 and 24)
Empty Closets (an online forum for LGBTQ people)
TransSpace (trans-centered subreddit)
Bisexual Talks (tumblr for posting personal stories about being bisexual - topics range from Being Bi at School to Being Bi and Chronically Ill)
Genderfork (supportive community for expressing gender identities across the spectrum)
Transgender Teen Survival Guide (tumblr)
Search for Local Communities (U.S.)
LGBT Community Center Directory (find community centers by state)
Resources for LGBTQ Youth By State (PDF) (list of organizations)
GLAAD's LGBTQ Resource List (organizations)
International Communities
GlobalGayz (travel and culture website)
Intersecting Identities
Race & Ethnicity
General LGBTQ+ PoC Resouces
FIERCE (organization building the leadership and power of LGBTQ+ youth of color)
INCITE! (nationwide network of feminists of color working to end violence against women, trans folks, and gender-nonconforming people)
QWOC Media Wire (media publishing and advocacy organization that amplifies the voices of LGBTQ people of color)
Garden of Peace Project's QTPOC Resource Guide (resources specifically dedicated to helping queer and trans people of color with things like coming out, legal issues, mental health, etc.)
bklyn boihood (an organization dedicated to community-building for bois of color through art, music, and events)
Thriving as an LGBTQ Student of Color at Your Chosen College or University
Queer as Cat (vlog)
Black & African American Resources:
Black Girl Dangerous (a forum/blog to amplify the voices and stories of queer and trans people of color)
#ThisIsLuv (tumblr - a multimedia project highlighting examples of LGBT-affirming love in Black communities)
Mobile Homecoming (a project to bring together Black queer and trans people from different generations - click "Where Are We Now?" under the "Events" heading to see if the project will be near you in the future!)
Black Transmen Inc. (nonprofit that advocates for advocacy, equality, and empowerment of African American transmen)
I am Not Haraam (LGBTQ Muslim Tumblr)
Queer Muslim Masterpost (tumblr - many links!)
Muslims for Progressive Values: Podcast By and For Youth (not LGBTQ-specific, but is LGBTQ-inclusive)
Keshet (Judaism)
TransTorah (Judaism)
Hope Remains (Christianity)
#LGBTQNotSin (social media campaign to counter anti-LGBTQ Christian religious teachings) - videos
5 Tips for LGBTQ students on religiously-affiliated campuses
Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry (youth resources section)
SoulForce (organization working to end religious oppression of LGBTQ people)
Asexuality and Religion Overview (features sections on Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Paganism)
Notes of an Asexual Muslim (blog)
Low and No-Income
The Still Blue Project (an online project dedicated to the written work [poetry, short fiction, essays, memoirs, etc.] written by and for working-class LGBTQ people)
LGBT Liberation: An Essential Working-Class Struggle (article)
Resources for Living on a Small Budget
(not LGBTQ-specific):
Amnesty International's LGBT Rights section (news about international LGBTQ rights)
Latinx ( or Latin@) and Hispanic Resources:
A La Familia (a bilingual project that promotes inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people within communidades Latinas)
Casa Ruby (bilingual, multicultural organization providing life-saving services to LGBTQ Latin@s)
The Wall Las Memorias (promotes wellness among populations affected by HIV/AIDS, especially within the Latinx community)
F Yeah Queer Latinxs! (Tumblr)
LatinasRepresent: LGBTQ Latin@ Voices (interview with 4 LGBTQ Latin@ leaders in public service and politics)
Asian & Asian American Resources:
DeHQ (support and resources for South Asian LGBTQ+ folks)
F Yeah LGBTQ Asians (tumblr blog)
TransAPIVoices (YouTube channel)
Native/First Nations Resources:
Native Youth Sexual Health Network: Two Spirit Resource Directory
Young Eagles Challenge (peer education training manual for First Nations youth on HIV/AIDS and related issues)
Immigration Equality (free legal services for LGBT and HIV-positive immigrants)
Queer Detainee Empowerment Project (helps LGBTQ folks coming out of detention - includes a hotline!)
National Center for Transgender Equality: Immigration section
Resources and Support for Transgender Immigrants (Lambda Legal)
Queerability (disability and LGBTQ rights advocacy organization)
The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability: For All of Us Who Live with Disabilities, Chronic Pain, and Illness by Miriam Kaufman (book)
Queers With Disabilities (Tumblr blog dedicated to connecting people with disabilities who identify as LBGTQ)
Tumblr post: Disability and Sex General Links (includes info about many types of disabilities and sex)
Sins Invalid (performance art project on disability and sexuality)
Feeling Heard When Dating Someone Deaf and LGBTQ (tips for dating deaf and/or hard of hearing LGBTQ folks)
Body Positivity
Tumblr blog: FatGQs (blog dedicated to spreading body positivity and resources for fat genderqueer people)
Tumblr blog: Body Positivity for Guys (trans-inclusive!) WARNING: contains occasional nudity
Tumblr blog: Chubby Bunnies (body positivity for girls, femmes, and non-binary people) WARNING: occasional nudity
Born This Way? How Sexual Orientation Does (And Doesn't) Affect Body Image (article)
The Body Positive (not LGBTQ-specific)
Trans + GNC
(Gender Non-Conforming)
Trans 101 + Coming Out
REFUGE Restrooms (helps trans, GNC, and intersex people find safe restrooms all over the world)
Coming Out:
Trans and Queer: Tips for Coming Out and Dealing With People
Coming Out as a Transgender Person: A Workbook (PDF) - religiously oriented
Coming Out as Transgender to Your Parents? Consider these Questions First (article)
Transgender Mental Health: Thoughts on "coming out" as transgender to family
Sex Etc.: Coming Out as Genderqueer (personal story)
EverydayFeminism: Coming Out as Genderqueer Non-Binary (Outside of and Within the Queer Community) (personal story)
Forums where you can ask questions about coming out:
ACLU's Know Your Rights: A Guide for Trans and Gender Nonconforming Students
National Center for Transgender Equality: Your Rights at School (includes info for what to do if you're discriminated against at school, how to file a complaint, and other sources of help)
Lambda Legal: Survival Tips for Trans Youth (PDF)(info about your legal rights regarding changing your name, finding access to hormones, police brutality, etc.)
What to do if you're bullied at school for being trans or GNC
How to change your name/gender for birth certificates, passports, and social security
Gender pronouns 101 (includes FAQs, history, etc.)
Trans Student Educational Resources: Gender Pronouns Chart (with text-description)
Practice with pronouns (activity)
Multilingual pronoun list (Tumblr post - listed by language)
Pronoun dressing room (a fun site that allows you to "try on" different pronouns you might like to use)
Community Support
TransSpace (trans-centered subreddit)
Genderfork (supportive community for expressing gender identities across the spectrum)
TransTeens (weekly online chat group)
7 Cups of Tea (free, anonymous, and confidential online text chat with trained listeners, counselors, and therapists - not LGBTQ-specific!)
Trans Student Educational Resources (an organization led by and for trans youth dedicated to making schools more inclusive for trans and GNC students)
Community Support (GNC-Specific)
Genderqueer and Non-Binary Identities (website dedicated providing awareness, information, and resources for genderqueer, non-binary, questioning, and gender non-conforming people and their allies)
Life Outside the Binary (blog)
Out of This Binary (YouTube channel)
Nonbinary Cuties (tumblr for NB selfies and support)
Hell Yeah, Agender! (tumblr blog for agender advice/support)
Practical Androgyny (site full of tips for ambiguous gender presentation within binary gendered society)
Neutrois Nonsense (blog)
Health + Medical
Garden of Peace Project: Physicians and Medical Resources (includes voice/communication training, primary care, and surgeons)
Trans Health Care: Find Gender Surgeons (a director places to get surgery worldwide)
Center of Excellence for Transgender Health (helps increase access to comprehensive healthcare for trans folks)
List of Planned Parenthood locations that offer hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for trans people
Passing, Feminizing, Masculinizing, and Expressing in Non Gender-Specific Ways
Finding your name (emphasis of this post is on FTM trans people, but the tips could be used for people of any gender!)
How to "Pass" as a Woman (makeup, dress, and mannerism tips)
Women's clothing terminology (more links below the infographic)
How to tuck safely (includes options for taping and no tape) WARNING: some illustrations may be NSFW
Tucking how-to (tumblr post)
So You're a Trans Woman Looking for a Bra (article full of tips)
DIY Breast Forms (making forms with foam and/or liquid)
Adhesive breast forms - buy online (no need to wear a bra with pockets)
Makeup tutorial videos: Foundation / Contouring & Highlights / Blush / Eyeliner / Eyeshadow
Janet's Closet (online clothing/accessory store specifically for trans women and gender non-conforming people - NSFW)
The FTM's Complete Illustrated Guide to Looking Like a Hot Dude
TransACTIVE (YouTube channel providing visibility to the trans community and transition info for FTM folks)
The Ultimate Guide to STP (standing to pee)
STP (stand-to-pee) Devices (WARNING: link is NSFW!)
FTMEssentials Free Youth Binder Program (provides free binders to people under the age of 24)
Big Brothers Binder Program (provides new & gently used binders to transmen who cannot afford them - if you're under the age of 18 you need to get your parents' permission!)
Binders at Underworks (buy binders, binder suits, swimgear, briefs, etc. online)
LesLoveBoat (another place to buy binders etc. online)
Non-Binary Expressions
Out of This Binary (YouTube channel)
Genderfluid Fashion (Tumblr blog - has been inactive for a while but still full of great tips and ideas!)
Androgynous Fox (buy gender neutral + queer/trans-positive clothing online)
The Phluid Project (another place to buy gender neutral clothing - also includes resources, a blog, and media center)
How to Shop for Gender-Neutral Clothing when You're Gender Non-Conforming (article by
The Bisexuality Report (PDF) (includes definitions, biphobia issues, experiences of bisexual people, bisexuality + health, and intersectionality [race, age, ability, religion, etc.])
I Think I Might Be Bisexual + Pansexual (Advocates for Youth)
Bisexuality-Aware Professionals Directory (find therapists, business professionals, financial advisers, educators, therapists, religious leaders, photographers, travel agents, and more)
5 Ways to Stand Up to Toxic Messages and Accept Yourself as a Bisexual Person (everydayfeminism)
Bisexuality + Intersections
Bi Visibility & Media
The BiCast (podcast for bi people featuring interviews, poetry, history, etc. by and for bisexuals)
Bisexual Talks (tumblr for posting personal stories about being bisexual - topics range from Being Bi at School to Being Bi and Chronically Ill)
Famous Bi People (from
Tumblr: BIsexual Books (reviews of books centered on bi characters; WARNING: has reviews of erotica/sexual content!)
Robyn Ochs' website (bi speaker, teacher, writer, & activist)
YouTube channels:
Kiera Rose (talks about lots of stuff, not just bisexuality)
RitchAndFamous (warning for sexual content)
Social Communities
Tumblr blogs:
Asexual X Bisexual (a blog for both!)
F Yeah Bi Activism! (highlights work promoting bi visibility)
The Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN)
Asexual Perspectives (a series of personal stories written by ace people)
Taking the Cake (an illustrated introduction to asexuality) (PDF)
Everything's A-Okay (YouTube videos about asexuality)
Teen-Aces (tumblr blog for asexual teenagers)
I don't want to have sex (scarleteen)
Affirmations for sex-repulsed people (tumblr post)
Asexuality + Intersections
Asexual POCs Unite (tumblr blog for ace people of color)
Aces of Color Stories (blog post full of links, including stories from Asian, Black, Latinx, Mixed Race, and Native aces)
Asexuality and Religion Overview (features sections on Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Paganism)
Notes of an Asexual Muslim (blog)
Ace Visibility & Media
The Asexual Story Project (blog dedicated to young people sharing their personal stories about being asexual)
Asexual Advice (tumblr blog)
Affirm-ace-ions (positivity blog for people on the ace spectrum)
Asexual Artists (blog highlighting ace artists through interviews)
Accepting Me by Jo Ramesy (YA novel featuring an ace protag)
Ace Ideas (group YouTube channel for discussing asexuality)
Hot Pieces of Ace (group YouTube channel)
Aces Wild (group YouTube channel featuring ace news)
Queer as Cat (vlog)
The Asexual Agenda (wordpress blog)
Asexual X Bisexual (a blog for both!)
Social Communities
AsexualHaven (Google group)
Pansexuality + Polysexuality
Laci Green: I'M PANSEXUAL?! (video)
Some differences and similarities between bisexuality and pansexuality (article)
10 Panphobic Myths (wordpress)
Pan social communities:
Coming Out as Polywhat?: No, the Other Poly (one person's experience with being polysexual)
Poly tumblr blogs:
Intersex 101 (EverydayFeminism)
Intersex 101 (Lambda Legal)
Gender Expansion Project: Intersex Health (information about what it means to be intersex, how American society has responded to intersexuality historically, a list of international intersex organizations, etc.)
Susan's Place: Intersex section (forum)
Visibility + Media
List of books (fiction and nonfiction) about intersex people/characters (Goodreads)
The Interface Project (videos)
XXXY (video - short documentary focusing on two people who were born intersex)
Intersex in the Media (article)
What It's Like to be Intersex (video)
Let Them Eat Cake: On Being Demisexual (article)
Confessions of a Demisexual (article)
The Demisexual Community - LiveJournal
In Defense of Demisexuality (common misconceptions)
Writing Demisexual Characters (Without Invalidating Asexuality)